Indie Showcase

Evoland is a journey through the history of action/adventure gaming, allowing you to unlock new technologies, gameplay systems and graphic upgrades as you progress through the game.Inspired by many cult series that have left their mark in the RPG video gaming culture, Evoland takes you from monochrome to full 3D graphics and from active time battles to real time boss fights, all with plenty of humor and references to many classic games.Full of humor and references to classic games, the Evoland series brings a truly epic and extraordinary adventure, unlike anything you’ve ever played before!Streams on every SAT @ 9 PM GMT / 4 PM EST
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Indies Featured
A list of all of the indie games I featured in my Indie Showcase streams

Step into the world of Terrazael and lead soon-to-be legendary heroes in a quest to restore a land fractured by broken oaths, reckless wars, and untamed magic. Fight back in turn-based battles, manage character relationships, collect dangerous artifacts, and restore the world.